Our story...

Once upon a time on a High Achievers trip, on an even higher Austrian mountain at Snowbombing Festival, two successful likely lads who worked together, decided it was time very soon to go it alone & build something they can own & be proud of (see picture of said likely lads on a Ski lift on said trip, who were likened to a scene in Dumb & Dumber)!

Roll on a bit & Big Fish Recruitment was born, with just a laptop & some coffee based at a Hotel in East London, building the business initially with Big Fish Recruitment having a dual purpose in Rec2Rec & Education Recruitment.

The massive successes in year one (2019) meant the plans were drawn for 2020 to create a Group of companies, servicing a Plethora of sectors until COVID brought a slight delay. However, 2020 turned out to be even bigger than 2019 & speaking of Plethora, the guys went ahead in 2021 with plans to create Plethora Recruitment Group, encompassing the Big Fish Recruitment brand & a new Education brand called WhoFoundWho, launched in Easter 2021.